911 dispatcher has spotty record
911 dispatcher has spotty record
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911 dispatcher has spotty record
911 replies before killing faulted
As the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events continue to rise, proactive adaptation measures are needed for EMS. JEMS.com:...
For EMS field providers, understanding and actively participating in their state’s EMS legislative efforts is equally paramount. This engagement serves as the backbone for a well-functioning EMS system and ensures that providers have the resources, support and legal frameworks necessary to excel in their life-saving roles. Here are 5 ways to shape policies that enhance patient care, streamline operations and provide a safer working environment.
Practical examples of customer service principles in EMS – Customer service – good or bad – has an impact on patient responsiveness, provider stress and agency objectives
In this article, we will explore key best practices for EMS instructors, focusing on strategies that foster effective learning, promote student engagement, and cultivate a culture of excellence within EMS.
Ensuring excellence in EMS: 5 benefits of accountability – Set a positive example by encouraging open communication, constructive feedback and shared responsibility for patient outcomes
Guest Editorial: A Moment to Shine
EMS Myth Busters: What the public needs to know about their local emergency medical services!
In this month’s Profiles in 9-1-1 Innovation and Excellence, we’re excited to feature Michael Loiz, Director for Stratford (CT) Public Safety Communications.
The Shelton, CT based consulting firm, The Public Safety Consulting Group, LLC (PSCG), is pleased to announce today that it has met all BBB standards and is now an Accredited Business with an A+ rating.
If you have or know of a story related to PSCG that we have not seen, please feel free to send it to: info@thepscgroup.net so that we can include it here.
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